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The following are brief descriptions of the Intuition functions discussed
in this chapter.  See the "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and
Autodocs" for details on each function call.  All of these functions
require Release 2 or a later version of the operating system.

               Table 15-2: GadTools Library Functions
 |                                                                      |
 |          Function                  Description                       |
 |       CreateGadgetA()  Allocate GadTools gadget, tag array form.     |
 |        CreateGadget()  Allocate GadTools gadget, varargs form.       |
 |         FreeGadgets()  Free all GadTools gadgets.                    |
 |  GT_SetGadgetAttrsA()  Update gadget, tag array form.                |
 |   GT_SetGadgetAttrs()  Update gadget, varargs form.                  |
 |       CreateContext()  Create a base for adding GadTools gadgets.    |
 |        CreateMenusA()  Allocate GadTools menu structures, tag array  |
 |                        form.                                         |
 |         CreateMenus()  Allocate GadTools menu structures, varargs    |
 |                        form.                                         |
 |           FreeMenus()  Free menus allocated with CreateMenus().      |
 |    LayoutMenuItemsA()  Format GadTools menu items, tag array form.   |
 |     LayoutMenuItems()  Format GadTools menu items, varargs form.     |
 |        LayoutMenusA()  Format GadTools menus, tag array form.        |
 |         LayoutMenus()  Format GadTools menus, varargs form.          |
 |          GT_GetIMsg()  GadTools gadget compatible version of         |
 |                        GetMsg().                                     |
 |        GT_ReplyIMsg()  GadTools gadget compatible version of         |
 |                        ReplyMsg().                                   |
 |       GT_FilterIMsg()  Process GadTools gadgets with                 |
 |                        GetMsg()/ReplyMsg().                          |
 |   GT_PostFilterIMsg()  Process GadTools gadgets with                 |
 |                        GetMsg()/ReplyMsg().                          |
 |    GT_RefreshWindow()  Display GadTools gadget imagery after         |
 |                        creation.                                     |
 |     GT_BeginRefresh()  GadTools gadget compatible version of         |
 |                        BeginRefresh().                               |
 |       GT_EndRefresh()  GadTools gadget compatible version of         |
 |                        EndRefresh().                                 |
 |       DrawBevelBoxA()  Draw a 3D box, tag array form.                |
 |        DrawBevelBox()  Draw a 3D box, varargs form.                  |
 |      GetVisualInfoA()  Get drawing information for GadTools, tag     |
 |                        array form.                                   |
 |       GetVisualInfo()  Get drawing information for GadTools, varargs |
 |                        form.                                         |
 |      FreeVisualInfo()  Free drawing information for GadTools.        |