Intuition drives a Boopsi gadget by sending it Boopsi messages. Intuition uses a series of five Boopsi methods: GM_RENDER This method tells the gadget to render itself. GM_HITTEST This method asks a gadget whether it has been "hit" by a mouse click. GM_GOACTIVE This method asks a gadget if it wants to be the active gadget. GM_HANDLEINPUT This method passes a gadget an input event. GM_GOINACTIVE This method tells a gadget that it is no longer active. The formats of each of these Boopsi messages differ, but they all have two things in common. Like all Boopsi messages, each starts with their respective method ID. For each of these methods, the method ID field is followed by a pointer to a GadgetInfo structure (defined in <intuition/cghooks.h>). The GadgetInfo structure contains information about the display on which the gadget needs to render itself: struct GadgetInfo { struct Screen *gi_Screen; struct Window *gi_Window; /* null for screen gadgets */ struct Requester *gi_Requester; /* null if not GTYP_REQGADGET */ /* rendering information: don't use these without cloning/locking. * Official way is to call ObtainGIRPort() */ struct RastPort *gi_RastPort; struct Layer *gi_Layer; /* copy of dimensions of screen/window/g00/req(/group) * that gadget resides in. Left/Top of this box is * offset from window mouse coordinates to gadget coordinates * screen gadgets: 0,0 (from screen coords) * window gadgets (no g00): 0,0 * GTYP_GZZGADGETs (borderlayer): 0,0 * GZZ innerlayer gadget: borderleft, bordertop * Requester gadgets: reqleft, reqtop */ struct IBox gi_Domain; /* these are the pens for the window or screen */ struct { UBYTE DetailPen; UBYTE BlockPen; } gi_Pens; /* the Detail and Block pens in gi_DrInfo->dri_Pens[] are * for the screen. Use the above for window-sensitive colors. */ struct DrawInfo *gi_DrInfo; /* reserved space: this structure is extensible * anyway, but using these saves some recompilation */ ULONG gi_Reserved[6]; }; All the fields in this structure are read only. Although this structure contains a pointer to the gadget's RastPort structure, applications should not use it for rendering. Instead, use the intuition.library function ObtainGIRPort() to obtain a copy of the GadgetInfo's RastPort. When the gadget is finished with this RastPort, it should call ReleaseGIRPort() to relinquish the RastPort. GM_RENDER GM_GOACTIVE/GM_HANDLEINPUT GM_HITTEST GM_GOINACTIVE