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;/* RKMModel.c - A simple custom modelclass subclass.
LC -cfist -b1 -y -v -j73 rkmmodel.c
quit ;*/

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/classes.h>
#include <intuition/classusr.h>
#include <intuition/imageclass.h>
#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
#include <intuition/cghooks.h>
#include <intuition/icclass.h>
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#include <utility/hooks.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/utility_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_stdio_protos.h>

extern struct Library *IntuitionBase, *UtilityBase;

/****************  The attributes defined by this class  *****************************************/
#define RKMMOD_CurrVal  (TAG_USER + 1) /* This attribute is the current value of the model.*******/
#define RKMMOD_Up       (TAG_USER + 2) /* These two are fake attributes that rkmmodelclass *******/
#define RKMMOD_Down     (TAG_USER + 3) /* uses as pulse values to increment/decrement the  *******/
                                       /* rkmmodel's RKMMOD_CurrVal attribute.             *******/
#define RKMMOD_Limit    (TAG_USER + 4) /* This attribute contains the upper bound of the   *******/
                                       /* rkmmodel's RKMMOD_CurrVal.  The rkmmodel has a   *******/
                                       /* static lower bound of zero.                      *******/

#define DEFAULTVALLIMIT 100L /* If the programmer doesn't set               */
                             /* RKMMOD_Limit, it defaults to this.          */
struct RKMModData {
    ULONG currval;       /* The instance data for this class.               */
    ULONG vallimit;

/**************************      The functions in this module     ********************************/
void    geta4(void);                                                              /***************/
Class  *initRKMModClass(void);                                                    /***************/
BOOL    freeRKMModClass(Class *);                                                 /***************/
ULONG   dispatchRKMModel(Class *, Object *, Msg);                                 /***************/
void    NotifyCurrVal(Class *, Object *, struct opUpdate *, struct RKMModData *); /***************/

/********************************   Initialize the class    **************************************/
Class   *initRKMModClass(void)                /* Make the class and set     */
{                                             /* up the dispatcher's hook.  */
    Class *cl;
    extern ULONG HookEntry();  /*      <-------   defined in amiga.lib.     */

    if ( cl =  MakeClass( NULL,
                "modelclass", NULL,
                sizeof ( struct RKMModData ),
                0 ))
        cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry = HookEntry;           /* initialize the  */
        cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_SubEntry = dispatchRKMModel; /* cl_Dispatcher   */
                                                         /* Hook.           */
    return ( cl );

/*********************************      Free the class     ***************************************/
BOOL freeRKMModClass( Class *cl )
    return (FreeClass(cl));

/********************************     The class Dispatcher     ***********************************/
ULONG dispatchRKMModel(Class *cl, Object *o, Msg msg)
    struct RKMModData *mmd;
    APTR retval = NULL;  /* A generic return value used by this class's methods.  The            */
                         /* meaning of this field depends on the method.  For example,           */
                         /* OM_GET uses this a a boolean return value, while OM_NEW              */
                         /* uses it as a pointer to the new object.                              */
    geta4();    /* SAS/C and Manx function - makes sure A4 contains global data pointer.         */

    switch (msg->MethodID)
        case OM_NEW:     /* Pass message onto superclass first so it can set aside the memory    */
                         /* for the object and take care of superclass instance data.            */
            if (retval = (APTR)DoSuperMethodA(cl, o, msg))
            {            /************************************************************************/
                         /* For the OM_NEW method, the object pointer passed to the dispatcher   */
                         /* does not point to an object (how could it? The object doesn't exist  */
                         /* yet.)  DoSuperMethodA() returns a pointer to a newly created         */
                         /* object. INST_DATA() is a macro defined in <intuition/classes.h>      */
                         /* that returns a pointer to the object's instance data that is local   */
                         /* to this class. For example, the instance data local to this class    */
                         /* is the RKMModData structure defined above.                           */
                mmd = INST_DATA(cl, retval);
                mmd->currval = GetTagData(RKMMOD_CurrVal, 0L, /* initialize object's attributes. */
                                          ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
                mmd->vallimit = GetTagData(RKMMOD_Limit, DEFAULTVALLIMIT,
                                           ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
        case OM_SET:
        case OM_UPDATE:
            mmd = INST_DATA(cl, o);
            DoSuperMethodA(cl, o, msg);   /* Let the superclasses set their attributes first.    */
                struct TagItem *tstate, *ti;    /* grab some temp variables off of the stack.    */

                ti = ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList;
                tstate = ti;

                        /* Step through all of the attribute/value pairs in the list.  Use the   */
                        /* utility.library tag functions to do this so they can properly process */
                        /* special tag IDs like TAG_SKIP, TAG_IGNORE, etc.                       */

                while (ti = NextTagItem(&tstate))    /* Step through all of the attribute/value  */
                {                 /* pairs in the list. Use the utility.library tag functions    */
                                  /* to do this so they can properly process special tag IDs     */
                                  /* like TAG_SKIP, TAG_IGNORE, etc.                             */
                    switch (ti->ti_Tag)
                        case RKMMOD_CurrVal:
                            if ((ti->ti_Data) > mmd->vallimit) ti->ti_Data =
                            mmd->currval = ti->ti_Data;
                            NotifyCurrVal(cl, o, msg, mmd);
                            retval = (APTR)1L;  /* Changing RKMMOD_CurrVal can cause a visual    */
                            break;              /* change to gadgets in the rkmmodel's broadcast */
                                                /* list.  The rkmmodel has to tell the applica-  */
                                                /* tion by returning a value besides zero.       */
                        case RKMMOD_Up:

                                 /* Make sure the current value is not greater than value limit. */
                            if ((mmd->currval) > mmd->vallimit) mmd->currval = mmd->vallimit;
                            NotifyCurrVal(cl, o, msg, mmd);
                            retval = (APTR)1L;  /* Changing RKMMOD_Up can cause a visual         */
                            break;              /* change to gadgets in the rkmmodel's broadcast */
                                                /* list.  The rkmmodel has to tell the applica-  */
                                                /* tion by returning a value besides zero.       */
                        case RKMMOD_Down:
                                    /* Make sure currval didn't go negative. */
                            if ((LONG)(mmd->currval) == -1L)
                                mmd->currval = 0L;
                            NotifyCurrVal(cl, o, msg, mmd);
                            retval = (APTR)1L;  /* Changing RKMMOD_Down can cause a visual       */
                            break;              /* change to gadgets in the rkmmodel's broadcast */
                                                /* list.  The rkmmodel has to tell the applica-  */
                                                /* tion by returning a value besides zero.       */
                        case RKMMOD_Limit:
                            mmd->vallimit = ti->ti_Data; /* Set the limit.  Note that this does  */
                            break;                       /* not do bounds checking on the        */
                                                         /* current RKMModData.currval value.    */
        case OM_GET:                     /* The only attribute that is "gettable" in this        */
            mmd = INST_DATA(cl, o);      /* class or its superclasses is RKMMOD_CurrVal.         */
            if ((((struct opGet *)msg)->opg_AttrID) == RKMMOD_CurrVal)
                *(((struct opGet *)msg)->opg_Storage) = mmd->currval;
                retval = (Object *)TRUE;
            else retval = (APTR)DoSuperMethodA(cl, o, msg);
        default:       /* rkmmodelclass does not recognize the methodID, so let the superclass's */
                       /* dispatcher take a look at it.                                          */
            retval = (APTR)DoSuperMethodA(cl, o, msg);

void NotifyCurrVal(Class *cl, Object *o, struct opUpdate *msg, struct RKMModData *mmd)
    struct TagItem tt[2];

    tt[0].ti_Tag = RKMMOD_CurrVal; /* make a tag list.  */
    tt[0].ti_Data = mmd->currval;
    tt[1].ti_Tag = TAG_DONE;
                                /* If the RKMMOD_CurrVal changes, we want everyone to know about */
    DoSuperMethod(cl, o,        /* it. Theoretically, the class is supposed to send itself a     */
             OM_NOTIFY,         /* OM_NOTIFY message. Because this class lets its superclass     */
             tt,                /* handle the OM_NOTIFY message, it skips the middleman and      */
             msg->opu_GInfo,    /* sends the OM_NOTIFY directly to its superclass.               */

             ((msg->MethodID == OM_UPDATE) ? (msg->opu_Flags) : 0L)); /* If this is an OM_UPDATE */
                                /* method, make sure the part the OM_UPDATE message adds to the  */
                                /* OM_SET message gets added.  That lets the dispatcher handle   */
}                               /* OM_UPDATE and OM_SET in the same case.                        */