The FFP transcendental math library contains entries for the transcendental math functions sine, cosine, and square root. It resides on disk and is opened by calling OpenLibrary() with "mathtrans.library" as the argument. #include <exec/types.h> #include <libraries/mathffp.h> #include <clib/mathffp_protos.h> #include <clib/mathtrans_protos.h> struct Library *MathTransBase; VOID main() { if (MathTransBase = OpenLibrary("mathtrans.library",0)) { . . . CloseLibrary(MathTransBase); } else printf("Can't open mathtrans.library\n"); } The global variable MathTransBase is used internally for all future library references. Note that the transcendental math library is dependent upon the basic math library, which it will open if it is not open already. If you want to use the basic math functions in conjunction with the transcendental math functions however, you have to specifically open the basic math library yourself. FFP Transcendental Functions