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PropChunk() keeps only one copy of the declared chunk (the one currently
in scope).  CollectionChunk() collects and keeps all instances of a
specified chunk.  This is useful for chunks such as the ILBM CRNG chunk,
which can appear multiple times in a FORM, and which don't override
previous instances of themselves.  CollectionChunk() is called identically
to PropChunk():

    error = CollectionChunk (iff, type, id);

When you wish to find the collected chunks currently in scope, you use the
function FindCollection():

    ci = FindCollection (iff, type, id);

You will be returned a pointer to a CollectionItem, which is part of a
singly-linked list of all copies of the specified chunk collected so far
that are currently in scope.

    struct CollectionItem {
            struct CollectionItem   *ci_Next;
            LONG                    ci_Size;
            UBYTE                   *ci_Data;

The size of this copy of the chunk is in the CollectionItem's ci_Size
field.  The ci_Data field points to the chunk data itself.  The ci_Next
field points to the next CollectionItem in the list.  The last element in
the list has ci_Next set to NULL.

The most recently-encountered instance of the chunk will be first in the
list, followed by earlier chunks.  Some might consider this ordering

If NULL is returned, the specified chunk was never encountered.