Boopsi is an acronym for Basic Object Oriented Programming System for Intuition. Using the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) model, Boopsi represents certain Intuition entities, like Gadgets and Images, as objects. There are many advantages to using Boopsi: * Boopsi makes Intuition customizable and extensible. Boopsi programmers can create new types of Boopsi objects to suit the needs of their applications. These new types of objects are part of Intuition and can be made public so other applications can use them. Because applications can share the new types, application writers don't have to waste their time duplicating each other's efforts writing the same objects. * New types of Boopsi objects can build on old types of Boopsi objects, inheriting the old object's behavior. The result is that Boopsi programmers don't have to waste their time building new objects from scratch, they simply add to the existing object. * OOP and Boopsi apply the concept of interchangeable parts to Intuition programming. A Boopsi programmer can combine different Boopsi objects (like gadgets and images) to create an entire Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Boopsi programmer doesn't have take the time to understand or implement the inner workings of these objects. The Boopsi programmer only needs to know how to interact with Boopsi objects and how to make them interact with each other. * Boopsi objects have a consistent, command-driven interface. To the Boopsi programmer, there is no difference between displaying a text, border, or bitmap-based Boopsi image, even though they are rendered quite differently. Each image object accepts a single command to tell it to render itself. Before reading this chapter, you should already be familiar with several Amiga concepts. Boopsi is built on top of Intuition and uses many of its structures. These include Intuition gadgets, images, and windows. Boopsi also uses the tag concept to pass parameters. The "Utility Library" chapter of this manual discusses tags. The "Utility Library" chapter also discusses callback Hooks, which are important to the later sections of this chapter. OOP Overview Boopsi Gadgets Creating a Boopsi Class Function Reference