WA_Left, WA_Top, WA_Width and WA_Height Describe where the window will first appear on the screen and how large it will be initially. These dimensions are relative to the top left corner of the screen, which has the coordinates (0,0). WA_Left is the initial x position, or offset, from the left edge of the screen. The leftmost pixel is pixel 0, and values increase to the right. Equivalent to NewWindow.LeftEdge. WA_Top is the initial y position, or offset, from the top edge of the screen. The topmost pixel is pixel 0, and values increase to the bottom. Equivalent to NewWindow.TopEdge. WA_Width is the initial window width in pixels. Equivalent to NewWindow.Width. WA_Height is the initial window height in lines. Equivalent to NewWindow.Height. WA_DetailPen and WA_BlockPen WA_DetailPen specifies the pen number for the rendering of window details like gadgets or text in the title bar. WA_BlockPen specifies the pen number for window block fills, like the title bar. These pens are also used for rendering menus. Equivalent to NewWindow.DetailPen and NewWindow.BlockPen. The specific color associated with each pen number depends on the screen. Specifying -1 for these values sets the window's detail and block pen the same as the screen's detail and block pen. Detail pen and block pen have largely been replaced starting with V36 by the pen array in the DrawInfo structure. See the section on "DrawInfo and the 3D Look" in the "Intuition Screens" chapter for more information. WA_IDCMP IDCMP flags tell Intuition what user input events the application wants to be notified about. The IDCMP flags are listed and described in the OpenWindowTagList() description in the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs and in the chapter "Intuition Input and Output Methods" in this book. Equivalent to NewWindow.IDCMPFlags. If any of these flags are set, Intuition creates a pair of message ports for the window (one internal to Intuition and one used by the application). These ports are for handling messages about user input events. If WA_IDCMP is NULL or unspecified, no IDCMP is created for this window. The ModifyIDCMP() function can be used to change the window's IDCMP flags after it is open. WA_Gadgets A pointer to the first in the linked list of Gadget structures that are to be included in this window. These gadgets are application gadgets, not system gadgets. See the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter for more information. Equivalent to NewWindow.FirstGadget. WA_Checkmark A pointer to an Image structure, which is to be used as the checkmark image in this window's menus. To use the default checkmark, do not specify this tag or set this field to NULL. Equivalent to NewWindow.CheckMark. WA_Title A pointer to a NULL terminated text string, which is used as the window title and is displayed in the window's title bar. Intuition draws the text using the colors defined in the DrawInfo pen array (DrawInfo.dri_Pens) and displays as much as possible of the window title, depending upon the current width of the title bar. Equivalent to NewWindow.Title. See the section on "DrawInfo and the 3D Look" in the "Intuition Screens" chapter for more information on the pen array. The title is rendered in the screen's default font. A title bar is added to the window if any of the properties WA_DragBar (WFLG_DRAGBAR), WA_DepthGadget (WFLG_DEPTHGADGET), WA_CloseGadget (WFLG_CLOSEGADGET) or WA_Zoom are specified, or if text is specified for a window title. If no text is provided for the title, but one or more of these system gadgets are specified, the title bar will be blank. Equivalent to NewWindow.Title. WA_ScreenTitle A pointer to a NULL terminated text string, which is used as the screen title and is displayed, when the window is active, in the screen's title bar. After the screen has been opened the screen's title may be changed by calling SetWindowTitles() (which is the only method of setting the window's screen title prior to V36). WA_CustomScreen A pointer to the Screen structure of a screen created by this application. The window will be opened on this screen. The custom screen must already be opened when the OpenWindowTagList() call is made. Equivalent to NewWindow.Screen, also implies NewWindow.Type of CUSTOMSCREEN. WA_MinWidth, WA_MinHeight, WA_MaxWidth and WA_MaxHeight These tags set the minimum and maximum values to which the user may size the window. If the flag WFLG_SIZEGADGET is not set, then these variables are ignored. Values are measured in pixels. Use (~0) for the WA_MaxWidth (WA_MaxHeight) to allow for a window as wide (tall) as the screen. This is the complete screen, not the visible part or display clip. Setting any of these variables to 0, will take the setting for that dimension from its initial value. For example, setting MinWidth to 0, will make the minimum width of this window equal to the initial width of the window. Equivalent to NewWindow.MinWidth, NewWindow.MinHeight, NewWindow.MaxWidth and NewWindow.MaxHeight. Use the WindowLimits() function to change window size limits after the window is opened. WA_InnerWidth and WA_InnerHeight Specify the dimensions of the interior region of the window, i.e., inside the border, independent of the border widths. When using WA_InnerWidth and WA_InnerHeight an application will probably want to set WA_AutoAdjust. WA_PubScreen Open the window as a visitor window on the public screen whose address is in the ti_Data field of the WA_PubScreen TagItem. To ensure that this screen remains open until OpenWindowTagList() has completed, the application must either be the screen's owner, have a window open on the screen, or use LockPubScreen(). Setting this tag implies screen type of PUBLICSCREEN. WA_PubScreenName Declares that the window is to be opened as a visitor on the public screen whose name is pointed to by the ti_Data field of the WA_PubScreenName TagItem. The OpenWindowTagList() call will fail if it cannot obtain a lock on the named public screen and no fall back name (WA_PubScreenFallBack) is specified. Setting this tag implies screen type of PUBLICSCREEN. WA_PubScreenFallBack A Boolean, specifies whether a visitor window should "fall back" to the default public screen (or Workbench) if the named public screen isn't available This tag is only meaningful when used in conjunction with WA_PubScreenName. WA_Zoom Pointer to an array of four WORDs, the initial LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width and Height values for the alternate zoom position and size. It also specifies that the application wants a zoom gadget for the window, whether or not it has a sizing gadget. A zoom gadget is always supplied to a window if it has both depth and sizing gadgets. This tag allows the application to open a window with a zoom gadget when the window does not have both the depth and sizing gadgets. WA_MouseQueue An initial value for the mouse message backlog limit for this window. The SetMouseQueue() function will change this limit after the window is opened. WA_RptQueue An initial value of repeat key backlog limit for this window.