Normally, the Workbench screen (shown above) is the first screen the user sees upon booting the Amiga. Workbench is a special program supplied with every Amiga that gives the user a friendly and consistent graphic interface to the file system. It's the default environment the user starts out with. In Workbench, disks, directories, files and other objects are symbolized by small pictures called icons which can be manipulated with the mouse. For instance, a program file can be executed by pointing to its icon with the mouse and double-clicking the left mouse button. The Workbench screen is automatically set up by Intuition and can be easily shared, so many application programs use it too. User control of the OS is also supported through Preferences. Preferences is a family of editors and associated configuration files that allow the user to control the basic set up of the operating system. For example Printer Preferences sets up all the printer options. Workbench, together with Preferences, gives the user an easy way to control the OS and launch applications. These programs are built with the same Intuition tools available to application programmers giving the whole Amiga system an integrated look and feel. Workbench and Preferences are important components of the Amiga graphic user interface system and are discussed in greater detail in later chapters.