NAME AllocateTagItems -- Allocate a TagItem array (or chain). (V36) SYNOPSIS tagList = AllocateTagItems( numItems ) D0 D0 struct TagItem *AllocateTagItems( ULONG numItems); FUNCTION Allocates the specified number of usable TagItems slots, and does so in a format that the function FreeTagItems can handle. Note that to access the TagItems in 'tagList', you should use the function NextTagItem(). This will insure you respect any chaining (TAG_MORE) that the list uses, and will skip any TAG_IGNORE items that AllocateTagItems() might use to stash size and other information. INPUTS numItems - the number of TagItem slots you want to allocate. RESULT tagList - the allocated chain of TagItem structures. Will return NULL if unsuccessful. BUGS SEE ALSO FreeTagItems(), CloneTagItems()