NAME DisplayBeep -- Flash the video display. SYNOPSIS DisplayBeep( Screen ) A0 VOID DisplayBeep( struct Screen * ); FUNCTION "Beeps" the video display by flashing the background color of the specified screen. If the screen argument is NULL, every screen in the display will be beeped. Flashing everyone's screen is not a polite thing to do, so this should be reserved for dire circumstances. The reason such a routine is supported is because the Amiga has no internal bell or speaker. When the user needs to know of an event that is not serious enough to require the use of a requester, the DisplayBeep() function may be called. New for V36: Intuition now calls DisplayBeep through the external library vector. This means that if you call SetFunction() to replace DisplayBeep with an audible beep, for example, then your change will affect even Intuition's calls to DisplayBeep. INPUTS Screen = pointer to a screen. If NULL, every screen in the display will be flashed RESULT None BUGS SEE ALSO