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**	$Filename: libraries/configvars.h $
**	$Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**	$Revision: 36.14 $
**	$Date: 91/04/22 $
**	Software structures used by AutoConfig (tm) boards
**	(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#ifndef	EXEC_TYPES_H
#include "exec/types.h"
#endif	/* EXEC_TYPES_H */

#ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
#include "exec/nodes.h"
#endif /* EXEC_NODES_H */

#include "libraries/configregs.h"

** At early system startup time, one ConfigDev structure is created for
** each board found in the system.  Software may seach for ConfigDev
** structures by vendor & product ID number.  For debugging and diagnostic
** use, the entire list can be accessed.  See the expansion.library document
** for more information.
struct ConfigDev {
    struct Node		cd_Node;
    UBYTE		cd_Flags;	/* (read/write) */
    UBYTE		cd_Pad;		/* reserved */
    struct ExpansionRom	cd_Rom;		/* copy of board's expansion ROM */
    APTR		cd_BoardAddr; /* where in memory the board was placed */
    ULONG		cd_BoardSize;	/* size of board in bytes */
    UWORD		cd_SlotAddr;	/* which slot number (PRIVATE) */
    UWORD		cd_SlotSize;	/* number of slots (PRIVATE) */
    APTR		cd_Driver;	/* pointer to node of driver */
    struct ConfigDev *	cd_NextCD;	/* linked list of drivers to config */
    ULONG		cd_Unused[4];	/* for whatever the driver wants */

/* cd_Flags */
#define	CDB_SHUTUP	0	/* this board has been shut up */
#define	CDB_CONFIGME	1	/* this board needs a driver to claim it */
#define	CDB_BADMEMORY	2	/* this board contains bad memory */
#define	CDB_PROCESSED	3	/* private flag */

#define	CDF_SHUTUP	0x01
#define	CDF_CONFIGME	0x02
#define	CDF_BADMEMORY	0x04
#define	CDF_PROCESSED	0x08

** Boards are usually "bound" to software drivers.
** This structure is used by GetCurrentBinding() and SetCurrentBinding()
struct CurrentBinding {
    struct ConfigDev *	cb_ConfigDev;		/* first configdev in chain */
    UBYTE *		cb_FileName;		/* file name of driver */
    UBYTE *		cb_ProductString;	/* product # string */
    UBYTE **		cb_ToolTypes;		/* tooltypes from disk object */